Configuration File

SF-TAP flow abstractor reads a configuration file written in YAML when waking up. In this document, we explain how to write the configuration file for it.

Example Configuration

An example configuration is as follows. We explain each section of the configuration here.

# global configuration
  home:    /tmp/sf-tap
  timeout: 30  # close long-lived (over 30[s]) but do-nothing connections
  lru:     yes # bring the least recently used pattern to front of list
  cache:   yes # use cache for regex
  tcp_threads:   2
  regex_threads: 2

  if: pcap

  if:     loopback7
  format: text

  if:     default # for every flow that wasn't matched by any rules
  proto:  TCP
  format: text
  body:   yes

  if:     default # for every flow that wasn't matched by any rules
  proto:  UDP
  format: text
  body:   yes

  up:     '^[-a-zA-Z]+ .+ HTTP/1\.(0\r?\n|1\r?\n([-a-zA-Z]+: .+\r?\n)+)'
  down:   '^HTTP/1\.[01] [1-9][0-9]{2} .+\r?\n'
  proto:  TCP  # TCP or UDP
  if:     http
  format: text # text or binary
  body:   yes  # if specified 'no', only header is output
  nice:   100  # the smaller a value is, the higher a priority is
  utf8:   no   # treat data as UTF8 or latin1 (binary). used for regex
  balance: 4   # flows are balanced by 4 interfaces

  up:     '^(CONNECT|connect) .+ HTTP/1\.(0\r?\n|1\r?\n([-a-zA-Z]+: .+\r?\n)+)'
  down:   '^HTTP/1\.[01] 200 .+\r?\n'
  proto:  TCP  # TCP or UDP
  if:     http_proxy
  format: text # text or binary
  body:   yes  # if specified 'no', only header is output
  nice:   90   # the smaller a value is, the higher a priority is
  utf8:   no   # treat data as UTF8 or latin1 (binary)

  up:     '^<([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-8][0-9]|19[01])>'
  proto:  UDP
  if:     syslog
  format: text
  port:   514
  nice:   100
  utf8:   no

  proto:  UDP
  if:     dns
  port:   53,5353,5355 # 53: UDP DNS, 5353: multicast DNS, 5355: LLMNR
  format: text
  nice:   200
  utf8:   no

global section

The global section can contain 6 subsections, which are “home”, “timeout”, “lru”, “cache”, “tcp_threads”, “regex_threads”, to control the behavior of SF-TAP flow abstractor.

home used to indicate the root directory to which abstraction iterfaces are located
timeout discard TCP sessions which do nothing for “timeout” seconds
lru regular expressions are internally managed by the least-recently-used manner
cache regular expressions are cached when matching
tcp_threads the number of threads for handling TCP sessions
regex_threads the number of threads for classifing flows by regular expressions

TCP section

TCP sections can contain following subsections.

up the regular expression for up stream
down the regular expression for down stream
proto this subsection must be “TCP” for TCP
if file name of the flow abstraction interface
format spefify header format of the flow abstraction interface. this must be “text” or “binary”
body the flow abstraction interface outputs TCP payload or only headers
nice preference for classifing by regular expressions
utf8 palyload is treated as binary or UTF-8 string. this subsection affects behavior of regular expressions
port classify by TCP port numbers. you can specify multiple port numbers such as 100,200,300-310
balance the number of interfaces for load-balancing

The nice subsection indicate the preference for regular expressions. For example, if nice values of http and http_proxy are 100 and 90, flows are distinguished by using http_proxy’s regular expressions, and if the flows are classified as not http_proxy, then the flows are distinguished by using http’s regular expressions.

tcp_default section

This section is for the default interface of TCP flows. TCP flows are classified by regular expressions and port numbers indicated in TCP sections. The default TCP interfaces is the exit of flows which are not classified by the TCP sections. This section can contain following subsections.

if interface name
proto must be “TCP”
format must be “text” or “binary”
body output TCP payload or not
balance the number for load-balancing

UDP section

UDP sections are for UDP packets. The subsections are quite similar to TCP section’s, but UDP can contain only 1 regular expression for classification, which are indicated by “up” subsection.

up the regular expression for up stream
proto this subsection must be “TCP” for TCP
if file name of the flow abstraction interface
format spefify header format of the flow abstraction interface. this must be “text” or “binary”
body the flow abstraction interface outputs TCP payload or only headers
nice preference for classifing by regular expressions
utf8 palyload is treated as binary or UTF-8 string. this subsection affects behavior of regular expressions
port classify by TCP port numbers. you can specify multiple port numbers such as 100,200,300-310
balance the number of interfaces for load-balancing

udp_default section

This section is for the default interface of UDP. This section can contains following subsections.

if interface name
proto must be “UDP”
format must be “text” or “binary”
body output TCP payload or not
balance the number for load-balancing

loopback7 section

This section is used for the loopback7 interface. This section can contain “if” and “format” subsections as follows.

if interface name
format must be “text” or “binary”

pcap section

This section is for the pcap interface. This section can contain only the “if” subsection.